Hi guys!! Welcome back to this window where you can read about my life. As you can read in the title of this one, today I will talk about Halloween, a holiday where we go out trick-or-treating, dress up, put on makeup and have fun with our family and friends. As long as I can remember, what I enjoy the most about Halloween has always been dressing up as strange characters and going out with my friends to ask for candys anywhere, besides ending the night with almost diabetes of course. This photo was last year with my friends when we went trick-or-treating. Last year my sister was wearing a zombie makeup and I was dressed as a rock scarecrow with purple hair, I know I'm crazy, we decided to go out at the last minute to the residential complex of apartments and houses in Mediterrane, because it is a supremely a big place and I went with my sister, one of my best friends Valentina, my best friend Nicolas and we even met some friends from school that I have known all my life named Sal...